Life and writings in a prison in Costa Rica

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Brad's story

Every 3 or 4 years, the Costa Rican penal system relocates long time inmates. These men will have spent their entire adult life inside lockdown. Now 2 new men have arrived from another prison.
One is a typecast stereotype of what you expect a sex pervert to look like in the movies, a muscular squat face with a rotten teeth sneer that passes for a smile. this man could play the leading part in any nightmare movie.
The other new man is confined to a wheelchair. He has a powerful upper torso and is underdeveloped below the hips. This man has many friends helping him in the shower, in the bathroom,, and they are fed from the outside. He was arrested for a sex crime, how is that possible when confined to a wheelchair? what was he doing? could be good movie stuff.
They released the cow fucker today. He got caught in the act, got 5 years and did 2. There must be more to the story, i don't believe it, the cow wasn't hurt in any way, i bet she hardly noticed it at all.

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