Life and writings in a prison in Costa Rica

Saturday, September 22, 2007

holly`s story, live from ALAJUELA!

Been a while, i know. But there was so little to tell.
And all of a sudden, last month a great change to the better. Bradley was transferred to a different prison, reserved for the elite and the well behaved elderly men. Many of them have spent years in jail and have adapted to the there is lots of space, lots of green and much more privileges. We have been able to visit him on a saturday, which is exceptional considering the special visiting pass had not been confirmed, we sat outside and talked.
He is looking good and much happier, he gives english classes daily, GOES TO REHABILITATION CLASSES and does all it takes to prove he can still be a valuable memeber of society. He says the rules are simple, make your bed, cut your hair, clean up and don't fight. These men all say `this is not a jail!"
we brought him loads of books, new sneakers and socks, writing paper and pens. so we can expect all ew writings and plays in the coming months. Maybe. because here comes the 2nd piece of news: on the 3rd of october there will be a hearing, and he will hear exactly if and when there will be a chance of coming out early.
there might be a problem: when the guards at the :new`place opened his suitcase, right there, lying on top of his clothes, there was a joint. Surprise. He believes it was put there by someone at the previous place, to get him in trouble. he says he isn't stupid, he wouldn't have put it there knowing the guards will always look through a prisoner's possessions when they come to a prison. But they found it, and because of that joint he might actually lose his 'good behaviour' credits, and be forced to sit out his complete sentence, 5 years instead of 2 and 9 months... Who put it there? was it a goodbye present or was it to try to keep him at the old place? whatever happens he will not be returned to Puntarenas, so ... we'll deal with it.
Funny story. After a week in Alajuela, the director of the previous place phoned him and asked if he wanted to come back to Puntarenas... He politely declined. They miss the english classes he used to give.
But we will be visiting him daily, and i will keep you all posted.

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