Life and writings in a prison in Costa Rica

Saturday, April 28, 2007

phone call

... he just called to say he refused the eye operation. he would have to pay 1500$ for it, and he's saving every penny for a flight to Europe the minute he gets out. I promised him the ticket will be waiting, he just has to have his operation now.
he did consult with a doctor in Puntarenas, he was very excited to see a city and people in the streets after 2 years. And guess what: they took off his handcuffs in the doctor's office! that was a special treatment for him alone, the others usually must keep cuffs on the whole time they are out of the prison.
He's fine, writing articles for the paper on americans in Costa Rica, sends his love to all readers.
Still no news on the animal clinic, but there are 2 dogs on the prison grounds, though he hasn't seen the kitten anymore.
He is also very excited about the trip erik and Theo and i are planning this summer, sailing to England and France. So i sent him a book on coastal sailing in England, so he can prepare. He says what he has said all my life: "go for it, Do it!" but i can hear in his voice that he is pretty afraid for us.
Kiss to all

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