Life and writings in a prison in Costa Rica

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bradley´s contract

I promise my daughters
* these people will have no problem with me
* I will not drink any kind of alcohol
* I will never upset this family
* I will behave in a kind and decent manner
* I will be clean, wash up after myself and pick up my clothes
* I will never lean a mess for others to clean
* I will not fuck up my life, or theirs
* I will never get off at Penn Station!

Five minutes later, he added a clause and signed again:
* I will never get married again, for love or money!

¿What is Penn Station? i know everyone is wondering.
When Brad was a child, and forced to pray, he never understood the words "lead us not into temptation", but thought they were "Lead us not into Penn Station" (which is a train station in New York). It has become an inside joke and a beautiful metafor for all the temptations of alcohol and grass he will face on coming out.

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